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Amidst the current polls indicating Joe Biden’s dwindling popularity, a key factor contributing to this decline appears to be the stark memory people hold of the stronger economic landscape during Donald Trump’s presidency. Under Trump, there was a notable upsurge in wages, stable prices, and a palpable economic prosperity that did not necessitate a nationwide persuasion campaign to validate its existence.

However, the media, as often perceived from a conservative standpoint, tends to portray a different narrative. Despite earlier failed predictions of economic catastrophe if Trump were elected, they continue to propagate the narrative that Biden has fostered a better economy, primarily citing job creation figures that have been debunked. The reality, when considering pre-pandemic job levels, shows that Biden’s economic record is rather unremarkable, contrary to the media’s portrayal.

Predicting an imminent economic upturn should Trump or any Republican secure the presidency is a viewpoint widely held within conservative circles. This sentiment is based on the assumption that a shift in leadership would inherently trigger an economic revival, a belief rooted in the past success of Republican-led economic policies. Interestingly, polls indicate that a considerable number of Democrats acknowledge the adverse effects of Biden’s policies on the economy, though this remains largely unacknowledged by the party as a whole.

Trump, actively engaging in public appearances, has made explicit promises about a swift economic resurgence upon his potential re-election. During a recent speech in New Hampshire, he assured the public that his victory would swiftly herald an economic boom, attributing this forecast to the removal of what he deemed Biden’s detrimental policies.

Trump’s rhetoric projected a future under Biden’s leadership as a precursor to an economic collapse, emphasizing that the Biden administration thrives only on the achievements of the previous administration. He warned of potential dire consequences, likening them to the Great Depression of 1929, attributing stock market gains to benefitting the affluent while underscoring Biden’s alleged inflation woes eroding savings and aspirations of the populace.

A prevailing sentiment among conservatives is that the removal of Biden from office would significantly improve the economic outlook. However, there’s a collective acknowledgement that merely changing leadership may not instantaneously rectify the economic situation. Trump’s prior efforts in deregulation, lauded during his first term but subsequently reversed under Biden, are seen as pivotal for substantial economic change. Conservatives assert that dismantling overregulation remains imperative for real and sustainable economic transformation, beyond the mere act of an election.

The general consensus among conservatives is that while the removal of Biden might kickstart improvements, the economic rehabilitation necessitates addressing deeper issues such as regulatory burdens and policy reversals that currently hinder a more substantial and immediate turnaround.